Flash Words - A custom designed mentalism deck.

The Effect

Flash Words is a deck of flash cards that is designed for modern mentalists. This deck contains 124 different words and is disguised as a set of children’s flash cards. Imagine handing this deck to a spectator for a shuffle (no deck stacks like other options on the market), and having them choose any card (totally free choice, absolutely no sleight of hand required, doesn’t even need to be performed like a card trick – you never even have to touch the cards). After just choosing a card, you immediately know the one of 124 words the spectator chose. This system can also be ammended to allow for dictionary entry reveals.

The Method

Each card is marked while being totally invisible to the spectator. This system can be ammended to add dictionary location entries, thesaurus entries, and really any other number-based reveal. I studied multiple marking systems for this project, but was ultimately inspired by the NOC Pro’s. I expanded on the NOC marking system by making it possible to mark 124 different words without complicated math.

This card is “Kiwi”

This project is still in development, but is currently looking for a home. In order to view the full project including the 124 cards, the four key categories, and the full marking system, please reach out to see my sketches and early work on this project. (Much of the design work is not yet ready for final mockups, but the project is ready for pre-production.)

Thanks for your time.